Would you like other web sites that cater to financial professionals to advertise your service on their site? That’s the exact the benefit of coregistration ads.
Most web sites have some type of registration or free download employed to gather contact information from their visitors. Those same financial professionals visiting and registering at another industry site may also be interested in your offer. And we can show your offer on those other sites. Here is an example of a coregistration page that appears on Zacks.com (a well know stock-ranking service) targeted at consumers interested in investing information offers. Once the visitor enters their contact information to get the free report offered on the home page of Zacks.com:
The following page provides several other offers to the visitor for non-competing products and services in the financial information/education market:
The visitor must click “yes” to specifically state interest in an offer and the advertiser can also gather more details from the visitor by using an additional information page. In our case, the visitor will always be a financial professional.
When you participate with FinancialCoreg, your offer will ONLY appear on sites within your industry that appeal to your target market (you can select investment professionals, life insurance professionals or both).