What is Coregistration?
Would you like other web sites that cater to financial professionals to advertise for you? That’s the exact benefit of coregistration ads. Most web sites have some type of registration or free download employed to gather contact information from their visitors. Those same financial professionals visiting another industry site ….
How You Participate
In any coregistration system, there are advertisers (those companies that desire to buy leads generated on other sites) and publishers (those companies willing to display offers on their site like the graphic on the next page). All participants with FinancialCoreg must be both advertisers and publishers. If you want to buy leads from other sites, you must also contribute ..
Next Step
To participate, simply fill out the form below and we will send you an agreement with specifics and how to get started. That document will answer many questions such as: What graphics and text do I need to supply? How does the billing and payment system work? How do I place the coregistration ad page on my site?….
Benefits of Participation
FinancialCoreg is a network of companies providing products or services to financial professionals. Each member of the network desires to have their ads shown on web sites of other network members and thereby multiply their advertising exposure.
Financial Coreg FAQ
Can I set a daily cap on leads I buy? Yes
What information fields do you collect for my leads? Whatever fields you want. Note that the more information you request, the fewer respondents will bother to fill out your form.
Your Economics
There are 2 ways to advertise – one very costly and the other low cost AND more effective. The first is a shotgun approach. You spend $5,000 for a full page ad in an industry magazine with a circulation of 100,000. Many advisors or agents who receive it don’t even read it.